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As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 

1 Peter 4:10-11

Inspired by the Filipino culture of Bayanihan, “TOGETHER TO GET THERE” represents Frontiers Philippines’ 3-year goal. We believe that God has called each of us to take part in His great harvest of souls in the Muslim world. Popularly demonstrated by members of a community relocating a nipa hut (house) from one place to another, Bayanihan, for Frontiers Philippines, is a symbol of standing shoulder to shoulder with one another to achieve a common good. By God’s grace, Frontiers Philippines committed to send field workers within the next three years, all prepared and ready to be a blessing in the Muslim communities they will be living in. We know that this goal can only be realized if we come together as a community of believers, saying “yes” to God’s call to be a part of His great plan.

The Philippine Sending Base is determined to share the vision of Frontiers to individual believers, like-minded organizations, and churches; helping them discover their role in cross-cultural missions.

Our field workers are ready to receive and equip those whom God called to go and serve.

As a believer, there is a big opportunity to bless the Muslims. You can commit to pray for Muslims to hear and respond to the Gospel. Furthermore, your giving can help support the work of Frontiers, both in the Philippines and the field. You may even be called to go either on a short-term trip or serve long-term with a Frontiers team. 

God’s mission is His church’s mission. The Lord has set different opportunities for Filipino churches to be part of the harvest. 

Let Frontiers Philippines minister to your church by sharing what God is doing in the Muslim world, transforming communities for His glory. Partner with us in sending field workers and giving to His ministry.

Would you like to see Muslims put their faith in Jesus Christ? Are you ready to follow God to the Muslim world? So are we. God is calling us TOGETHER TO GET THERE!